Thursday, October 24, 2019

"BOB CHARLES SAYS": Only Support from Americans can get this off the Ground

"BOB CHARLES SAYS": Only Support from Americans can get this off the G...: The American Party  is Forming for 2020 Are Americans Ready  to Have their own Voice in America ?? Go Here and Donate:

Starting in November you will have a chance to call into the Bob Charles Show and Voice your opinion on the many problems facing America.  We want to know what you think we can do to make your life better..  Unlike our Politicians that say WE ARE WORKING ON YOUR BEHALF which in most cases has nothing to do with the real Problems.  Like Doctors are only curing your symptom of your health problem instead of Healing the Problem which is in a big part the Big Pharmacy Companies Mantra that people need drugs, the truth is there are Holistic Doctors being Shut down all over the country for not Prescribing drugs promoted by the Big Pharma..Industries..  There is things like ROUND-UP a Poison that is sold all over America by Monsanto.. If you walk into a Big Hardware Corp Store you'll see Round -UP all over the place for sale, did you know that those companies that are selling that product are promoting a Cancer Causing Substance ?    Monsanto has been Sued by people with cancer that was caused by using Round-Up and they are winning all the cases...  Case in Point - That poison is sprayed on the Food you eat then it seeps into the earth and trickles down to the Water Aquifers under the surface of the ground it is Sprayed on.  What happens?  The weed-killing chemical glyphosate, which Monsanto uses in its Roundup
herbicide, has been getting increased attention for its potential link
to cancer. Several gardeners and weed-whackers in the US who were
exposed to glyphosate have won billions of dollars in lawsuits against
Monsanto.  But look at it another way.  YOU ARE DRINKING THE WATER FILLED WITH THE POISON !   The only way to stop this is to pressure the companies that are selling the Poison..   The American Party can make a difference and you can help by Donating to this project so we can Register the Party in Washington and allow us to start letting Washington know we do not want to Die because they are more interested in makiing money then Saving Lives of us and our Children..  Not to mention 80% of Baby Foods have Micro-Plastics and the Water that contains Round -Up Poison..  What is Organic good for if the Water used to water the plants could have come from the same water that is used in a GMO farm next door to the Organic Farm so the food is no good there either.   Help us to help you.

Our Show on this and other subjects will begin in November and will be about this and other subjects like Vaccines, Drugs, Health Care, and more..   Did you know that we Import many many foods from other Countries ?  Did you also know that other countries don't have Laws that allow food to be called FREE OF Poisons ?   Other Countries cannot ship Foods without being sprayed to Kill any Instects that may be shipped to America and during the trip the Fruits and other Food like Meats Etc. will soak in the Poison while in crates in Shipping, so you buy it here and your getting their poison while our Government allows an Organic Sticker to be Put on the Product to fool you into believing this is a Pure Organic Product and meanwhile down the road you wonder how you came down with Cancer, and other Diseases so the Pharm Companies can then take over and sell you Over priced Drugs to cure Diseases you got from their New World Order plan to Bring Down the World Population..   There is a Ton of more info coming so Donate now so we can get to work for you.
Write us at for Links to listen and Phone number to call the show

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