Wednesday, September 19, 2018

What the Heck is going on in Washington ??? P.S. It's Tax Money that pays the Bills

Bob Charles in a Radio Conference about Washington
Let's take 5 for a Second and Ask the Public for their OpinionDemocrats don’t want a fair Kavanaugh hearing — they want a circus

 I believe something happened to Christine Blasey Ford more than three decades ago. The Accuser was and still may be seeing a psychiatrist for Issues we'll never know about or want to know about.

Democrats’ smash and smear agenda reaches new heights

 Ford related the story of an encounter with him to her therapist, Six years before Brett Kavanaugh was a nominee for the Supreme Court, which would have required an implausible prescience if her sexual-assault allegation is, as I’ve seen some conservatives argue, all part of an elaborate scheme.

I mean Folks the Press has put Millions at odds with the Trump Administration and you the TV & Radio Listener are probably going around saying " Well on TV they Said ! " and like most idiots that believe everything the News Channels say you may have already boiled this Judge in Hot Water like Mandingo, But let's get this all Straight and I for one don't believe anything I have not researched myself so to hell with news that don't do their homework.

OK, 36 Years ago two ( Minors ) in High School alleged to have had a relationship while partying, COM'ON 1982 ???    Wow what a Memory !  I remember women and relationships when I was in School and SO WHAT we were Experimental Kids, mostly confused, but my High School Times were n 1969 so Although I never did Drugs about 80% tried Drugs and don't remember Squat from relations then BUT we all respected everyone and gave everyone any space they requested, THE WORD CHILL REALLY MENT CHILL.

Dianne Feinstein, Brett Kavanaugh and Chuck Schumer.
All of this from a then juvenile was timed perfectly to screw up any Judge that TRUMP picks to be a Supreme Court Judge except those who are in the Back Pocket of Washington's Secret Government.

What do "YOU THE PEOPLE" think about this ?   I know your still watching TV or your Smartphone, well if you get your head out of your asses write with your views and I will send it to Washington just write  so I can see if the Public really thinks this is HORSE CRAP.  Oh by the Way, DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH YOUR TAX DOLLARS ARE PAYING FOR THE LAWYERS, SENATORS, BACK ROOM MEETINGS, AND MORE ???
Across the Board it comes to about ONE MILLION A DAY just because Washington Loves taking your Money on the STORY or not of a Young Lady 36 Years ago that may or not had a relationship.  The only thing I can say is PROVE IT TODAY and let's move forward.

Bob Charles