Saturday, April 7, 2018


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Pyramid One Radio Network
Believes in Farming in America
Bob Charles did Farming with his Dad when he was 5 Years Old and it was there that Bob realized the Land  we Love gives back the Food that we Eat and More through his Father's Love for the Land
 Image result for Farm PicsImage result for Farm Pics
We urge the Public to Write us and tell us about your Love for the Land and the Respect for the People and Families that Grow the Food that you enjoy minus the GMO's and the Poisons the Government is Making us Eat and the Laws that are causing Farmers to have to go out of business while companies like Monsanto take over Farms Nationally.

Mr. Charles

This is a very public letter with some of my most private thoughts and feelings. I write it in the hope that it will reach ears that will listen, eyes that will open, hearts that will feel our plight and voices that will change minds.
My name is Joanna Hosking, I am a wife, mum and a farmer to name a few of my roles. I am not eloquent by any stretch of the imagination so what I write is how I feel. If you don’t like that idea, don’t read this!
Recently I attended the Parliamentary hearing on the Vegetation Management Laws and it was full of farmers, old and young who share the same passion for the land as I do. It occurred to me there were several people missing. To name a few they were the local hairdresser, clothes shop owner, butcher, baker, hardware shop owner and publican. It may not have occurred to them that they should have put in a submission as to how these laws will affect them. If the farmers leave the land they will have no one to support them. How many rural towns will die if farmers are forced off their land? It doesn’t stop there. Rates for local councils will go down as the unimproved valves of farms is reduced. Who will pay the rates on vacant land? Will councils still be able to keep up roads? Does it matter as there will be no one out there anyway!

Image result for Farm Pics Where will the farmers go? The only place for us will be in the city. There we will add to the demands on public services, pollution and demand for jobs. Some will be employable, some won’t adding to the need of government support. This is no life for a farmer. There will be a percentage that takes their own life. Leaving behind family members that must deal with the fact that they couldn’t help a loved one. A loved one so traumatised by the loss of their land, their livelihood and their soul. We put our heart and soul into caring for our properties.
Image result for Farm Pics         I will also tell you of another group of people who have no voice at this stage and cannot put in a submission. It’s a group who are not even a twinkle in their Daddy’s eye or a lump in their Mummy’s tummy yet! A future generation not yet born who would have grown to love this land, care for this land and respect this land. A generation who will never know the joy of producing good quality food for people to eat, fibre for them to wear or even a bunch of flowers for someone’s table. I also feel for the generation who will only know imported food, fibre and flowers. Two groups who might look at old photos and say “wow what a life our ancestors had”.
I feel for my generation and that of my kids, who want to come back to the land. We want to grow clean, green, quality products. Products that we can export to the world. Feed the world, clothe the world and change peoples lives. If the dollars that the government make from exports involving primary production are not enough then for goodness sake help us to make them more. Don’t tie us up in red tape and don’t turf us off our land. Help us make ourselves more sustainable. We are pretty damn good at it at the moment. We are innovative, we are improving our soils and we are environmentalists. If we don’t look after our land it won’t look after us, it’s that simple. We don’t want handouts we want people to support us. We want people to know that we wouldn’t sell them food that we wouldn’t eat ourselves. We wouldn’t produce fibres that we wouldn’t wear ourselves. I know there is an element out there that does the wrong thing, but I’m sure there is a trustworthy politician and used car salesmen out there also! What I’m saying is every industry has good and bad!
So please share my letter if you think it is worthy. Remember us farmers when you go shopping and more importantly when you vote. If you can, ask the hard questions of the politicians. Where do you stand on these laws? Do you realise the impact they will have on every single Queenslander? Tell them you don’t want your food and fibres imported. We have a great primary production industry that continues to grow in spite of what government throws at us, but I will tell you now that some of us are tired of fighting. Tired of the uncertainty. And very tired of trying to work our farms and deal with what the government are doing to us. Is there a future in farming? If these laws go through...NO. If they don’t then I guess we will hang on till the next fight. Will there be another fight for us? HELL YES. Wanna know what it is? Mining again and water. Water?? Yep the government charge us to take water and then they want to charge us for storing it. Last I heard that was called double dipping. But I will admit I haven’t looked into it fully, but I’ll keep you posted. It is interesting to note that these new laws, to the best of my knowledge do not apply to mining and developers. Fair??? You be the judge. Come and visit I’ll show you what we have to deal with and how we are trying to make ourselves more sustainable, profitable and produce a quality product.
Thank you for your time and LOVE