Saturday, February 17, 2018

Bob Charles had an Idea to make Schools Safe - But no one will listen - WILL YOU ?

Pyramid One Radio has always been ahead of the Truths and Lies rolling around the Internet Radio Networks because we believe that Truth Should be Heard and Not Covered Up

Since we cannot show you or go into the Actual Make-up concerning this Idea
We can give you a Look at the IDEA.

Bob Charles a Broadcaster on Pyramid One Radio has Talked about and has an IDEA
for Metal Detectors that would sound off VERY VERY LOUD Sirens and Flashing Lights at Every Entrance ( Doorways ) In every American School for a cost of about $400 a Door.

Is this possible ??   YES IT IS..

That Means that every School would have the same Tools the Airports do and for a Little Extra Schools could have Cameras at every door that in Seconds would Identify the FACE of anyone that don't or is not Approved to be coing into the school before they even walked in the door.

Is this Possible ??  YES IT IS...

Expensive to keep our kids safe ???   NOPE !

Write to the Station and Schedule an Appointment with Bob Charles by writing to

Donations to get this going and having Bob Talk around the country instead of waiting for our Government to get off their Hands and Starting this up just go to
Just click on the LEFT SIDE of the First PAGE and Donate what you can to have this be a REAL SOLUTION and not some Politician that will take years to pass anything in Washington while our KIDS are Targets for the People who want to destroy them.

God Bless and God Bless our KIDS