The things we should know:
Here’s what I see – and it hovers in front of me – halfway chimera
and half way reality. I see that we are – at an admittedly still quite
tentative level – actually sickening of our Kali Yuga
schooled desire ‘to have’ and to conform; and that our new propensity
is moving us ever closer to a desire ‘to Be’ and to cease to conform.
The more this inclination gains strength, the more we experience
‘being’ as the true expression of what it means to be human. So
different from the dead weight of the ‘having’ mode. A state of
consciousness that lifts us out of our old serfdom, connecting-up past,
present and future and merging them into an inseparable continuum. A quantum state of oneness with our indestructible divinity.
Here, in this place, what we see ahead of us is a projection of the
vibrancy of the now. There is no preplanned future to suffocate our
creativity. All time is pulled into a vibrant ever expanding present,
and we are in the driving seat of change.
We ‘the people’ are getting ever closer to gaining this insight and
the illuminated powers that go with it. The future we collectively see,
while in this state of oneness, is the future we will go on to build. It
is a state of consciousness, that when experienced by a critical mass
of individuals, will finally collapse the age old status quo and all the
heinous repression that goes with it.
Although the war tainted darkness presses-in around us, a great
awakening of humanity is not far off. An age of emancipation, in which
we are able to break-free of our slavery and take a controlling
influence over our lives, as well as the health and welfare of our
beleaguered planet. At one with the very universal forces from which we
were birthed in the first place.
So, onwards, onwards, fellow adventurers. The answer to our calling is at hand. The predestination master plan is shredding. Our oppressors are loosing their grip on the reins of power; and with our active help – will soon be in full retreat. Their mission to conquer and enslave the spirit of man and of Earth, will be overcome, and will end in abject failure.
Hail to that great day, Together as "ONE"
God Bless, Bob Charles, out !